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2022-03-22 13:02Publish   5272Views · 0Collects

Latest news from Home Micro Watch: Since the outbreak of the conflict between Russia and Ukraine on February 24, Western countries have raised their voices against Russia’s actions, while at the same time increasing their charitable support for the Ukrainian people. As well as leading global retailers pulling out of Russia, a number of global furniture brands have launched initiatives to help Ukrainian refugees. Including but not limited to: Unicorn German bedding Unicorn Brand Emma something The Sleep Company (March 9) in addition to suspending all business with Russia and Belarus, Emma Company also provides certain relief products to those who have fled Ukraine, the total value of mattress products can be as high as 100,000 euros. Britain’s largest independent interior decorator Whitemeadow (March 8) helps Ukrainians gather supplies and ship all donations to a warehouse near Manchester Airport. Norway’s biggest furniture maker, Ekornes (8 March) , stopped shipping all its furniture to Russia and Belarus. Uk-based furniture maker QUALITA has prepared a truckload of basic necessities for Ukrainian refugees at a cost of nearly 70,000 euros.

Denmark’s largest international retailer Jysk (11 March) has teamed up with United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees and shipping partner DSV (a global transport and logistics giant) , more than 26,000 blankets were delivered from a distribution centre in Uldam, Denmark, for humanitarian aid in Ukraine. Staff at retail support centres, warehouses and supply chains at Dunelm, the UK’s largest home improvement retailer, work with charities to understand what items people need to support or donate, and distribute these items to everyone. DUNELM has assembled more than 200 trays, distributed to Poland to support refugees, and is actively exploring the role it can play in helping refugees build new homes in Britain. In addition, Dunelm organized a series of donations to raise money. Comfort Group (March 12) , Australia’s largest maker of bedding and Styrofoam, has donated thousands of quilts and pillows to help Ukrainian refugees in direct partnership with the charity Goods For Good. In addition to excluding Russian and Belarusian exhibitors from the Frankfurt Exhibition (March 9) , one of the largest exhibition organizers in the world, the Frankfurt Exhibition Centre is also used as an emergency centre for emergency accommodation for refugees. The Ukrainian Furniture Manufacturers’association (UAFM) called on all importers to end commercial relations with Russia and Belarus.


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